
Social Skills Training for Special Needs child

About our social skills training Social skills training is a highly beneficial program tailored for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), who currently attending mainstream or inclusive schools. Given that children with ASD encounter various challenges at different developmental stages, the schooling phase often presents difficulties in social interaction. Challenges include making friends, managing teacher expectations, follow school rules & social norms, and showing empathy – a skill that enables them to demonstrate care and navigate others’ emotions. Since 2014, Kidz Steps has been organizing different social skills training, sometimes referred as playgroups for children with special needs. Drawing from our extensive experience, we have crafted a comprehensive social skills program that facilitates a step-by-step approach to teach children with special needs learn to socialize and developing better social understanding. If you’re curious about our...

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Walking with Stars: Autism Parenting Workshop

与星同行:自闭儿亲子教育 当父母得知自己的孩子患有自闭症时,心中或许会涌上一股无助和伤心的情绪。然而,请相信,您并不孤单。我们深知父母的担忧和挣扎,并愿意与您携手并肩。与星同行是专为12岁以下自闭症儿童的父母设计的一天课程。我们帮助父母了解孩子,并提供专业而细致的策略,让家长明白如何帮助自己的”星儿”。 这个教学方案将从衣、食、住、行四个角度入手,协助您教导孩子,并共同改善生活。 衣:课程是否关于穿什么布料的衣服呢?当然不是!我们会针对孩子的敏感触觉制定改善的方案,使他们的触觉不会过度敏感。同时透过刺激触觉发育来激发脑部发育。 食:是否想过孩子挑食,与其口腔发育息息相关?改变饮食习惯真的有助于改善他们的专注力?以上课题将在课程中进行探讨。 住:是否想过怎么样的环境会给孩子带来什么样的影响?该如何透过环境帮助孩子? 行:我们了解自闭症儿童在日常行为中可能面临的挑战。因此,您将通过我们的教学团队了解科学化的行为管理技巧和方法,并共同为您的孩子量身定制行为目标和计划。 我们鼓励父母和监护人一同参与课程,了解孩子,才能帮助孩子改善生活。让我们与您一起与”星”同行,这绝对是一个提升家庭幸福的课程。 联络方式:0166272299 (Miss Won Ngar Teng) 课程详情: 日期:2023年7月8日,时间:上午10点至下午4点地点:Silka Cheras KL酒店(包括午餐)联络方式:0166272299 (Miss Won Ngar Teng) 费用: 早鸟优惠(2023年6月15日前报名):RM600夫妻同行:RM1000常规费用:RM800 费用转账至Maybank账户:112688109287,收款人:Won Ngar Teng。 报名: 请填写以下表格并上传转账记录,我们的助理将与您联系。感恩🙏🏻https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jW39l3VG2zodfhfNEsP2HO56Ykf9gNEkSJWrquC4HZE/edit 我们期待与您共度这个有意义的课程,共同帮助孩子成长。 Autism Parenting Workshop When...

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Early Detection is Key: Screening Promotion for World Autism Month

April is recognized globally as World Autism Month, and to mark this occasion, we offer our promotional prices on screening services conducted by our clinical psychologists. This screening is designed to detect early signs of developmental delays in children, and it is only available at the special rate of RM120 during April 2023. If you have concerns about your child’s development, seeking advice from a professional can offer you peace of mind and help you identify any potential developmental delays early on. Our screening services are conducted by experienced clinical psychologists who specialize in child development. The screening process is non-invasive and typically involves completing a questionnaire or using standardized assessment tools to evaluate the child’s development in various areas and identify potential developmental delays or disabilities early on.  If a child is identified as having a potential developmental delay during the screening process,...

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  • Kidz Steps Centre
  • 19-1, Jalan Puteri 2/3
  • Bandar Puteri Puchong
  • 47100 Puchong, Selangor

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